Package 'SimCorMultRes'

Title: Simulates Correlated Multinomial Responses
Description: Simulates correlated multinomial responses conditional on a marginal model specification.
Authors: Anestis Touloumis [aut, cre]
Maintainer: Anestis Touloumis <[email protected]>
License: GPL-3
Version: 1.9.1
Built: 2025-03-13 04:31:35 UTC

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Simulating Correlated Binary Responses Conditional on a Marginal Model Specification


Simulates correlated binary responses assuming a regression model for the marginal probabilities.


rbin(clsize = clsize, intercepts = intercepts, betas = betas,
  xformula = formula(xdata), xdata = parent.frame(), link = "logit",
  cor.matrix = cor.matrix, rlatent = NULL)



integer indicating the common cluster size.


numerical (or numeric vector of length clsize) containing the intercept(s) of the marginal model.


numerical vector or matrix containing the value of the marginal regression parameter vector associated with the covariates (i.e., excluding intercepts).


formula expression as in other marginal regression models but without including a response variable.


optional data frame containing the variables provided in xformula.


character string indicating the link function in the marginal model. Options include 'probit', 'logit', 'cloglog', 'cauchit' or 'identity'. Required when rlatent = NULL.


matrix indicating the correlation matrix of the multivariate normal distribution when the NORTA method is employed (rlatent = NULL).


matrix with clsize columns containing realizations of the latent random vectors when the NORTA method is not preferred. See details for more info.


The formulae are easier to read from either the Vignette or the Reference Manual (both available here).

The assumed marginal model is

Pr(Yit=1xit)=F(βt0+βtxit)Pr(Y_{it} = 1 |x_{it})=F(\beta_{t0} +\beta^{'}_{t} x_{it})

where FF is the cumulative distribution function determined by link. For subject ii, YitY_{it} is the tt-th binary response and xitx_{it} is the associated covariates vector. Finally, βt0\beta_{t0} and βt\beta_{t} are the intercept and regression parameter vector at the tt-th measurement occasion.

The binary response YitY_{it} is obtained by extending the approach of Emrich and Piedmonte (1991) as suggested in Touloumis (2016).

When βt0=β0\beta_{t0}=\beta_{0} for all tt, then intercepts should be provided as a single number. Otherwise, intercepts must be provided as a numeric vector such that the tt-th element corresponds to the intercept at measurement occasion tt.

betas should be provided as a numeric vector only when βt=β\beta_{t}=\beta for all tt. Otherwise, betas must be provided as a numeric matrix with clsize rows such that the tt-th row contains the value of βt\beta_{t}. In either case, betas should reflect the order of the terms implied by xformula.

The appropriate use of xformula is xformula = ~ covariates, where covariates indicate the linear predictor as in other marginal regression models.

The optional argument xdata should be provided in “long” format.

The NORTA method is the default option for simulating the latent random vectors denoted by eitBe^{B}_{it} in Touloumis (2016). To import simulated values for the latent random vectors without utilizing the NORTA method, the user can employ the rlatent argument. In this case, element (i,ti,t) of rlatent represents the realization of eitBe^{B}_{it}.


Returns a list that has components:


the simulated binary responses. Element (ii,tt) represents the realization of YitY_{it}.


a data frame that includes the simulated response variables (y), the covariates specified by xformula, subjects' identities (id) and the corresponding measurement occasions (time).


the latent random variables denoted by eitBe^{B}_{it} in Touloumis (2016).


Anestis Touloumis


Cario, M. C. and Nelson, B. L. (1997) Modeling and generating random vectors with arbitrary marginal distributions and correlation matrix. Technical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Emrich, L. J. and Piedmonte, M. R. (1991) A method for generating high-dimensional multivariate binary variates. The American Statistician 45, 302–304.

Li, S. T. and Hammond, J. L. (1975) Generation of pseudorandom numbers with specified univariate distributions and correlation coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, 557–561.

Touloumis, A. (2016) Simulating Correlated Binary and Multinomial Responses under Marginal Model Specification: The SimCorMultRes Package. The R Journal 8, 79–91.

See Also

rmult.bcl for simulating correlated nominal responses, rmult.clm, rmult.crm and rmult.acl for simulating correlated ordinal responses.


## See Example 3.5 in the Vignette.
sample_size <- 5000
cluster_size <- 4
beta_intercepts <- 0
beta_coefficients <- 0.2
latent_correlation_matrix <- toeplitz(c(1, 0.9, 0.9, 0.9))
x <- rep(rnorm(sample_size), each = cluster_size)
simulated_binary_dataset <- rbin(clsize = cluster_size,
  intercepts = beta_intercepts, betas = beta_coefficients,
  xformula = ~x, cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix, link = "probit")
binary_gee_model <- gee(y ~ x, family = binomial("probit"), id = id,
  data = simulated_binary_dataset$simdata)

## See Example 3.6 in the Vignette.
simulated_latent_variables1 <- rmvevd(sample_size, dep = sqrt(1 - 0.9),
  model = "log", d = cluster_size)
  simulated_latent_variables2 <- rmvevd(sample_size, dep = sqrt(1 - 0.9),
  model = "log", d = cluster_size)
simulated_latent_variables <- simulated_latent_variables1 -
simulated_binary_dataset <- rbin(clsize = cluster_size,
  intercepts = beta_intercepts, betas = beta_coefficients,
  xformula = ~x, rlatent = simulated_latent_variables)
binary_gee_model <- gee(y ~ x, family = binomial("logit"), id = id,
  data = simulated_binary_dataset$simdata)

Simulating Correlated Ordinal Responses Conditional on a Marginal Adjacent-Category Logit Model Specification


Simulates correlated ordinal responses assuming an adjacent-category logit model for the marginal probabilities.


rmult.acl(clsize = clsize, intercepts = intercepts, betas = betas,
  xformula = formula(xdata), xdata = parent.frame(),
  cor.matrix = cor.matrix, rlatent = NULL)



integer indicating the common cluster size.


numerical vector or matrix containing the intercepts of the marginal adjacent-category logit model.


numerical vector or matrix containing the value of the marginal regression parameter vector.


formula expression as in other marginal regression models but without including a response variable.


optional data frame containing the variables provided in xformula.


matrix indicating the correlation matrix of the multivariate normal distribution when the NORTA method is employed (rlatent = NULL).


matrix with (clsize * ncategories) columns containing realizations of the latent random vectors when the NORTA method is not preferred. See details for more info.


The formulae are easier to read from either the Vignette or the Reference Manual (both available here).

The assumed marginal adjacent-category logit model is

logPr(Yit=jxit)Pr(Yit=j+1xit)=βtj0+βtxitlog \frac{Pr(Y_{it}=j |x_{it})}{Pr(Y_{it}=j+1 |x_{it})}=\beta_{tj0} + \beta^{'}_{t} x_{it}

For subject ii, YitY_{it} is the tt-th ordinal response and xitx_{it} is the associated covariates vector. Also βtj0\beta_{tj0} is the jj-th category-specific intercept at the tt-th measurement occasion and βt\beta_{t} is the regression parameter vector at the tt-th measurement occasion.

The ordinal response YitY_{it} is obtained by utilizing the threshold approach described in the Vignette. This approach is based on the connection between baseline-category and adjacent-category logit models.

When βtj0=βj0\beta_{tj0}=\beta_{j0} for all tt, then intercepts should be provided as a numerical vector. Otherwise, intercepts must be a numerical matrix such that row tt contains the category-specific intercepts at the tt-th measurement occasion.

betas should be provided as a numeric vector only when βt=β\beta_{t}=\beta for all tt. Otherwise, betas must be provided as a numeric matrix with clsize rows such that the tt-th row contains the value of βt\beta_{t}. In either case, betas should reflect the order of the terms implied by xformula.

The appropriate use of xformula is xformula = ~ covariates, where covariates indicate the linear predictor as in other marginal regression models.

The optional argument xdata should be provided in “long” format.

The NORTA method is the default option for simulating the latent random vectors denoted by eitjO3e^{O3}_{itj} in the Vignette. To import simulated values for the latent random vectors without utilizing the NORTA method, the user can employ the rlatent argument. In this case, row ii corresponds to subject ii and columns (t1)ncategories+1,...,tncategories(t-1)*\code{ncategories}+1,...,t*\code{ncategories} should contain the realization of eit1O3,...,eitJO3e^{O3}_{it1},...,e^{O3}_{itJ}, respectively, for t=1,,clsizet=1,\ldots,\code{clsize}.


Returns a list that has components:


the simulated nominal responses. Element (ii,tt) represents the realization of YitY_{it}.


a data frame that includes the simulated response variables (y), the covariates specified by xformula, subjects' identities (id) and the corresponding measurement occasions (time).


the latent random variables denoted by eitjO3e^{O3}_{itj} in the Vignette.


Anestis Touloumis


Cario, M. C. and Nelson, B. L. (1997) Modeling and generating random vectors with arbitrary marginal distributions and correlation matrix. Technical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Li, S. T. and Hammond, J. L. (1975) Generation of pseudorandom numbers with specified univariate distributions and correlation coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, 557–561.

Touloumis, A. (2016) Simulating Correlated Binary and Multinomial Responses under Marginal Model Specification: The SimCorMultRes Package. The R Journal 8, 79–91.

Touloumis, A., Agresti, A. and Kateri, M. (2013) GEE for multinomial responses using a local odds ratios parameterization. Biometrics 69, 633–640.

See Also

rbin for simulating correlated binary responses, rmult.clm and rmult.crm for simulating correlated ordinal responses, and rmult.bcl for simulating nominal responses.


## See Example 3.4 in the Vignette.
beta_intercepts <- c(3, 1, 2)
beta_coefficients <- c(1, 1)
sample_size <- 500
cluster_size <- 3
x1 <- rep(rnorm(sample_size), each = cluster_size)
x2 <- rnorm(sample_size * cluster_size)
xdata <- data.frame(x1, x2)
identity_matrix <- diag(4)
equicorrelation_matrix <- toeplitz(c(1, rep(0.95, cluster_size - 1)))
latent_correlation_matrix <- kronecker(equicorrelation_matrix,
simulated_ordinal_dataset <- rmult.acl(clsize = cluster_size,
  intercepts = beta_intercepts, betas = beta_coefficients,
  xformula = ~ x1 + x2, xdata = xdata,
  cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix)
ordinal_gee_model <- ordLORgee(y ~ x1 + x2,
  data = simulated_ordinal_dataset$simdata, id = id, repeated = time,
  LORstr = "time.exch", link = "acl")
round(coef(ordinal_gee_model), 2)

Simulating Correlated Nominal Responses Conditional on a Marginal Baseline-Category Logit Model Specification


Simulates correlated nominal responses assuming a baseline-category logit model for the marginal probabilities.


rmult.bcl(clsize = clsize, ncategories = ncategories, betas = betas,
  xformula = formula(xdata), xdata = parent.frame(),
  cor.matrix = cor.matrix, rlatent = NULL)



integer indicating the common cluster size.


integer indicating the number of nominal response categories.


numerical vector or matrix containing the value of the marginal regression parameter vector.


formula expression as in other marginal regression models but without including a response variable.


optional data frame containing the variables provided in xformula.


matrix indicating the correlation matrix of the multivariate normal distribution when the NORTA method is employed (rlatent = NULL).


matrix with (clsize * ncategories) columns containing realizations of the latent random vectors when the NORTA method is not preferred. See details for more info.


The formulae are easier to read from either the Vignette or the Reference Manual (both available here).

The assumed marginal baseline category logit model is

logPr(Yit=jxit)Pr(Yit=Jxit)=(βtj0βtJ0)+(βtjβtJ)xit=βtj0+βtjxitlog \frac{Pr(Y_{it}=j |x_{it})}{Pr(Y_{it}=J |x_{it})}=(\beta_{tj0}-\beta_{tJ0}) + (\beta^{'}_{tj}-\beta^{'}_{tJ}) x_{it}=\beta^{*}_{tj0}+ \beta^{*'}_{tj} x_{it}

For subject ii, YitY_{it} is the tt-th nominal response and xitx_{it} is the associated covariates vector. Also βtj0\beta_{tj0} is the jj-th category-specific intercept at the tt-th measurement occasion and βtj\beta_{tj} is the jj-th category-specific regression parameter vector at the tt-th measurement occasion.

The nominal response YitY_{it} is obtained by extending the principle of maximum random utility (McFadden, 1974) as suggested in Touloumis (2016).

betas should be provided as a numeric vector only when βtj0=βj0\beta_{tj0}=\beta_{j0} and βtj=βj\beta_{tj}=\beta_j for all tt. Otherwise, betas must be provided as a numeric matrix with clsize rows such that the tt-th row contains the value of (βt10,βt1,βt20,βt2,...,βtJ0,βtJ\beta_{t10},\beta_{t1},\beta_{t20},\beta_{t2},...,\beta_{tJ0}, \beta_{tJ}). In either case, betas should reflect the order of the terms implied by xformula.

The appropriate use of xformula is xformula = ~ covariates, where covariates indicate the linear predictor as in other marginal regression models.

The optional argument xdata should be provided in “long” format.

The NORTA method is the default option for simulating the latent random vectors denoted by eitjNOe^{NO}_{itj} in Touloumis (2016). In this case, the algorithm forces cor.matrix to respect the assumption of choice independence. To import simulated values for the latent random vectors without utilizing the NORTA method, the user can employ the rlatent argument. In this case, row ii corresponds to subject ii and columns (t1)ncategories+1,...,tncategories(t-1)*\code{ncategories}+1,...,t*\code{ncategories} should contain the realization of eit1NO,...,eitJNOe^{NO}_{it1},...,e^{NO}_{itJ}, respectively, for t=1,,clsizet=1,\ldots,\code{clsize}.


Returns a list that has components:


the simulated nominal responses. Element (ii,tt) represents the realization of YitY_{it}.


a data frame that includes the simulated response variables (y), the covariates specified by xformula, subjects' identities (id) and the corresponding measurement occasions (time).


the latent random variables denoted by eitNOe^{NO}_{it} in Touloumis (2016).


Anestis Touloumis


Cario, M. C. and Nelson, B. L. (1997) Modeling and generating random vectors with arbitrary marginal distributions and correlation matrix. Technical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Li, S. T. and Hammond, J. L. (1975) Generation of pseudorandom numbers with specified univariate distributions and correlation coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, 557–561.

McFadden, D. (1974) Conditional logit analysis of qualitative choice behavior. New York: Academic Press, 105–142.

Touloumis, A. (2016) Simulating Correlated Binary and Multinomial Responses under Marginal Model Specification: The SimCorMultRes Package. The R Journal 8, 79–91.

Touloumis, A., Agresti, A. and Kateri, M. (2013) GEE for multinomial responses using a local odds ratios parameterization. Biometrics 69, 633–640.

See Also

rbin for simulating correlated binary responses, rmult.clm, rmult.crm and rmult.acl for simulating correlated ordinal responses.


## See Example 3.1 in the Vignette.
betas <- c(1, 3, 2, 1.25, 3.25, 1.75, 0.75, 2.75, 2.25, 0, 0, 0)
sample_size <- 500
categories_no <- 4
cluster_size <- 3
x1 <- rep(rnorm(sample_size), each = cluster_size)
x2 <- rnorm(sample_size * cluster_size)
xdata <- data.frame(x1, x2)
equicorrelation_matrix <- toeplitz(c(1, rep(0.95, cluster_size - 1)))
identity_matrix <- diag(categories_no)
latent_correlation_matrix <- kronecker(equicorrelation_matrix,
simulated_nominal_dataset <- rmult.bcl(clsize = cluster_size,
  ncategories = categories_no, betas = betas, xformula = ~ x1 + x2,
  xdata = xdata, cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix)
nominal_gee_model <- nomLORgee(y ~ x1 + x2,
  data = simulated_nominal_dataset$simdata, id = id, repeated = time,
  LORstr = "time.exch")
round(coef(nominal_gee_model), 2)

Simulating Correlated Ordinal Responses Conditional on a Marginal Cumulative Link Model Specification


Simulates correlated ordinal responses assuming a cumulative link model for the marginal probabilities.


rmult.clm(clsize = clsize, intercepts = intercepts, betas = betas,
  xformula = formula(xdata), xdata = parent.frame(), link = "logit",
  cor.matrix = cor.matrix, rlatent = NULL)



integer indicating the common cluster size.


numerical vector or matrix containing the intercepts of the marginal cumulative link model.


numerical vector or matrix containing the value of the marginal regression parameter vector associated with the covariates (i.e., excluding intercepts).


formula expression as in other marginal regression models but without including a response variable.


optional data frame containing the variables provided in xformula.


character string indicating the link function in the marginal cumulative link model. Options include 'probit', 'logit', 'cloglog' or 'cauchit'. Required when rlatent = NULL.


matrix indicating the correlation matrix of the multivariate normal distribution when the NORTA method is employed (rlatent = NULL).


matrix with clsize columns containing realizations of the latent random vectors when the NORTA method is not preferred. See details for more info.


The formulae are easier to read from either the Vignette or the Reference Manual (both available here).

The assumed marginal cumulative link model is

Pr(Yitjxit)=F(βtj0+βtxit)Pr(Y_{it}\le j |x_{it})=F(\beta_{tj0} +\beta^{'}_{t} x_{it})

where FF is the cumulative distribution function determined by link. For subject ii, YitY_{it} is the tt-th ordinal response and xitx_{it} is the associated covariates vector. Finally, βtj0\beta_{tj0} is the jj-th category-specific intercept at the tt-th measurement occasion and βtj\beta_{tj} is the jj-th category-specific regression parameter vector at the tt-th measurement occasion.

The ordinal response YitY_{it} is obtained by extending the approach of McCullagh (1980) as suggested in Touloumis (2016).

When βtj0=βj0\beta_{tj0}=\beta_{j0} for all tt, then intercepts should be provided as a numerical vector. Otherwise, intercepts must be a numerical matrix such that row tt contains the category-specific intercepts at the tt-th measurement occasion.

betas should be provided as a numeric vector only when βt=β\beta_{t}=\beta for all tt. Otherwise, betas must be provided as a numeric matrix with clsize rows such that the tt-th row contains the value of βt\beta_{t}. In either case, betas should reflect the order of the terms implied by xformula.

The appropriate use of xformula is xformula = ~ covariates, where covariates indicate the linear predictor as in other marginal regression models.

The optional argument xdata should be provided in “long” format.

The NORTA method is the default option for simulating the latent random vectors denoted by eitO1e^{O1}_{it} in Touloumis (2016). To import simulated values for the latent random vectors without utilizing the NORTA method, the user can employ the rlatent argument. In this case, element (i,ti,t) of rlatent represents the realization of eitO1e^{O1}_{it}.


Returns a list that has components:


the simulated ordinal responses. Element (ii,tt) represents the realization of YitY_{it}.


a data frame that includes the simulated response variables (y), the covariates specified by xformula, subjects' identities (id) and the corresponding measurement occasions (time).


the latent random variables denoted by eitO1e^{O1}_{it} in Touloumis (2016).


Anestis Touloumis


Cario, M. C. and Nelson, B. L. (1997) Modeling and generating random vectors with arbitrary marginal distributions and correlation matrix. Technical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Li, S. T. and Hammond, J. L. (1975) Generation of pseudorandom numbers with specified univariate distributions and correlation coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, 557–561.

McCullagh, P. (1980) Regression models for ordinal data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society B 42, 109–142.

Touloumis, A. (2016) Simulating Correlated Binary and Multinomial Responses under Marginal Model Specification: The SimCorMultRes Package. The R Journal 8, 79–91.

Touloumis, A., Agresti, A. and Kateri, M. (2013) GEE for multinomial responses using a local odds ratios parameterization. Biometrics 69, 633–640.

See Also

rmult.bcl for simulating correlated nominal responses, rmult.crm and rmult.acl for simulating correlated ordinal responses and rbin for simulating correlated binary responses.


## See Example 3.2 in the Vignette.
sample_size <- 500
cluster_size <- 4
beta_intercepts <- c(-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5)
beta_coefficients <- matrix(c(1, 2, 3, 4), 4, 1)
x <- rep(rnorm(sample_size), each = cluster_size)
latent_correlation_matrix <- toeplitz(c(1, 0.85, 0.5, 0.15))
simulated_ordinal_dataset <- rmult.clm(clsize = cluster_size,
  intercepts = beta_intercepts, betas = beta_coefficients, xformula = ~x,
  cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix, link = "probit")
head(simulated_ordinal_dataset$simdata, n = 8)

## Same sampling scheme except that the parameter vector is time-stationary.
simulated_ordinal_dataset <- rmult.clm(clsize = cluster_size, betas = 1,
  xformula = ~x, cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix,
  intercepts = beta_intercepts, link = "probit")
## Fit a GEE model (Touloumis et al., 2013) to estimate the regression
## coefficients.
ordinal_gee_model <- ordLORgee(y ~ x, id = id, repeated = time,
  link = "probit", data = simulated_ordinal_dataset$simdata)

Simulating Correlated Ordinal Responses Conditional on a Marginal Continuation-Ratio Model Specification


Simulates correlated ordinal responses assuming a continuation-ratio model for the marginal probabilities.


rmult.crm(clsize = clsize, intercepts = intercepts, betas = betas,
  xformula = formula(xdata), xdata = parent.frame(), link = "logit",
  cor.matrix = cor.matrix, rlatent = NULL)



integer indicating the common cluster size.


numerical vector or matrix containing the intercepts of the marginal continuation-ratio model.


numerical vector or matrix containing the value of the marginal regression parameter vector associated with the covariates (i.e., excluding intercepts).


formula expression as in other marginal regression models but without including a response variable.


optional data frame containing the variables provided in xformula.


character string indicating the link function of the marginal continuation-ratio model. Options include 'probit', 'logit', 'cloglog' or 'cauchit'. Required when rlatent = NULL.


matrix indicating the correlation matrix of the multivariate normal distribution when the NORTA method is employed (rlatent = NULL).


matrix with clsize rows and ncategories columns containing realizations of the latent random vectors when the NORTA method is not employed. See details for more info.


The formulae are easier to read from either the Vignette or the Reference Manual (both available here).

The assumed marginal continuation-ratio model is

Pr(Yit=jYitj,xit)=F(βtj0+βtxit)Pr(Y_{it}=j |Y_{it} \ge j,x_{it})=F(\beta_{tj0} +\beta^{'}_{t} x_{it})

where FF is the cumulative distribution function determined by link. For subject ii, YitY_{it} is the tt-th multinomial response and xitx_{it} is the associated covariates vector. Finally, βtj0\beta_{tj0} is the jj-th category-specific intercept at the tt-th measurement occasion and βtj\beta_{tj} is the jj-th category-specific regression parameter vector at the tt-th measurement occasion.

The ordinal response YitY_{it} is determined by extending the latent variable threshold approach of Tutz (1991) as suggested in Touloumis (2016).

When βtj0=βj0\beta_{tj0}=\beta_{j0} for all tt, then intercepts should be provided as a numerical vector. Otherwise, intercepts must be a numerical matrix such that row tt contains the category-specific intercepts at the tt-th measurement occasion.

betas should be provided as a numeric vector only when βt=β\beta_{t}=\beta for all tt. Otherwise, betas must be provided as a numeric matrix with clsize rows such that the tt-th row contains the value of βt\beta_{t}. In either case, betas should reflect the order of the terms implied by xformula.

The appropriate use of xformula is xformula = ~ covariates, where covariates indicate the linear predictor as in other marginal regression models.

The optional argument xdata should be provided in “long” format.

The NORTA method is the default option for simulating the latent random vectors denoted by eitjO2e^{O2}_{itj} in Touloumis (2016). In this case, the algorithm forces cor.matrix to respect the local independence assumption. To import simulated values for the latent random vectors without utilizing the NORTA method, the user can employ the rlatent argument. In this case, row ii corresponds to subject ii and columns (t1)ncategories+1,...,tncategories(t-1)*\code{ncategories}+1,...,t*\code{ncategories} should contain the realization of eit1O2,...,eitJO2e^{O2}_{it1},...,e^{O2}_{itJ}, respectively, for t=1,,clsizet=1,\ldots,\code{clsize}.


Returns a list that has components:


the simulated ordinal responses. Element (ii,tt) represents the realization of YitY_{it}.


a data frame that includes the simulated response variables (y), the covariates specified by xformula, subjects' identities (id) and the corresponding measurement occasions (time).


the latent random variables denoted by eitO2e^{O2}_{it} in Touloumis (2016).


Anestis Touloumis


Cario, M. C. and Nelson, B. L. (1997) Modeling and generating random vectors with arbitrary marginal distributions and correlation matrix. Technical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Li, S. T. and Hammond, J. L. (1975) Generation of pseudorandom numbers with specified univariate distributions and correlation coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, 557–561.

Touloumis, A. (2016) Simulating Correlated Binary and Multinomial Responses under Marginal Model Specification: The SimCorMultRes Package. The R Journal (forthcoming).

Tutz, G. (1991) Sequential models in categorical regression. Computational Statistics & Data Analysis 11, 275–295.

See Also

rmult.bcl for simulating correlated nominal responses, rmult.clm and rmult.acl for simulating correlated ordinal responses and rbin for simulating correlated binary responses.


## See Example 3.3 in the Vignette.
sample_size <- 500
cluster_size <- 4
beta_intercepts <- c(-1.5, -0.5, 0.5, 1.5)
beta_coefficients <- 1
x <- rnorm(sample_size * cluster_size)
categories_no <- 5
identity_matrix <- diag(1, (categories_no - 1) * cluster_size)
equicorrelation_matrix <- toeplitz(c(0, rep(0.24, categories_no - 2)))
ones_matrix <- matrix(1, cluster_size, cluster_size)
latent_correlation_matrix <- identity_matrix +
  kronecker(equicorrelation_matrix, ones_matrix)
simulated_ordinal_dataset <- rmult.crm(clsize = cluster_size,
  intercepts = beta_intercepts, betas = beta_coefficients, xformula = ~x,
  cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix, link = "probit")

Simulating Random Vectors using the NORTA Method


Utility function to simulate random vectors with predefined marginal distributions via the NORTA method.


rnorta(R = R, cor.matrix = cor.matrix, distr = distr,
  qparameters = NULL)



integer indicating the sample size.


matrix indicating the correlation matrix of the multivariate normal distribution employed in the NORTA method.


character string vector of length ncol(cor.matrix) naming the quantile functions of the desired marginal distributions.


list of ncol(cor.matrix) lists indicating the parameter values of the quantile functions specified by distr.


Checks are made to ensure that cor.matrix is a positive definite correlation matrix. The positive definiteness of cor.matrix is assessed via eigenvalues.

The tt-th character string in distr indicates the quantile function of the tt-th marginal distribution. See Distributions for the most common distributions. Quantile functions supported by other R packages are allowed provided that these packages have been uploaded first. However, note that no checks are made to ensure that the character strings in distr correspond to valid names of quantile functions.

If qparameters = NULL then the default parameter values for the quantile functions specified by distr are used. Otherwise, qparameters should be provided as a list of ncol(cor.matrix) lists such that the tt-th list contains the desired parameter values of the tt-th quantile function.


Returns R random vectors of size ncol(cor.matrix) with marginal distributions specified by distr (and qparameters).


Anestis Touloumis


Cario, M. C. and Nelson, B. L. (1997) Modeling and generating random vectors with arbitrary marginal distributions and correlation matrix. Technical Report, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Li, S. T. and Hammond, J. L. (1975) Generation of pseudorandom numbers with specified univariate distributions and correlation coefficients. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 5, 557–561.

Touloumis, A. (2016) Simulating Correlated Binary and Multinomial Responses under Marginal Model Specification: The SimCorMultRes Package. The R Journal 8, 79–91.


## An example with standard logistic as marginal distribution.
sample_size <- 1000
latent_correlation_matrix <- toeplitz(c(1, rep(0.8, 2)))
common_marginal_distribution <- rep("qlogis", 3)
simulated_logistic_responses <- rnorta(R = sample_size,
  cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix,
  distr = common_marginal_distribution)

## The following lines exemplify the NORTA method.
simulated_normal_responses <- rsmvnorm(R = sample_size,
  cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix)
norta_simulated <- qlogis(pnorm(simulated_normal_responses))
all(simulated_logistic_responses == norta_simulated)

## Change the marginal distributions to standard normal, standard
## logistic and standard extreme value distribution.
different_marginal_distributions <- c("qnorm", "qlogis", "qgumbel")
simulated_logistic_responses <- rnorta(R = sample_size,
  cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix,
  distr = different_marginal_distributions)
apply(simulated_logistic_responses, 2, sd)

## Same as above but using parameter values other than the default ones.
qpars <- list(c(mean = 1, sd = 9), c(location = 2, scale = 1),
  c(loc = 3, scale = 1))
simulated_logistic_responses <- rnorta(R = sample_size,
  cor.matrix = latent_correlation_matrix,
  distr = different_marginal_distributions, qparameters = qpars)
apply(simulated_logistic_responses, 2, sd)

Simulating Continuous Random Vectors from a Multivariate Normal Distribution


Utility function to simulate continuous random vectors from a multivariate normal distribution such that all marginal distributions are univariate standard normal.


rsmvnorm(R = R, cor.matrix = cor.matrix)



integer indicating the sample size.


matrix indicating the correlation matrix of the multivariate normal distribution.


Checks are made to ensure that cor.matrix is a positive definite correlation matrix. The positive definiteness of cor.matrix is assessed via eigenvalues.


Returns R random vectors of size ncol(cor.matrix).


Anestis Touloumis


## Simulating 10000 bivariate random vectors with correlation parameter
## equal to 0.4.
sample_size <- 10000
correlation_matrix <- toeplitz(c(1, 0.4))
simulated_normal_responses <- rsmvnorm(R = sample_size,
  cor.matrix = correlation_matrix)
apply(simulated_normal_responses, 2, sd)

Simulated Correlation Parameters


A simulated dataset to explore the association between the correlation parameter of bivariate normally distributed random variables used in the intermediate step of the NORTA method and the correlation parameter of the resulting non-normal random responses generated by the NORTA method for all the threshold approached implemented in this package.




A data frame with 100 rows and 4 columns:


numeric indicating the true value of the correlation parameter.


numeric indicating the simulated correlation parameter when the marginal distribution of each of the latent variables is normal.


numeric indicating the simulated correlation parameter when the marginal distribution of each of the latent variables is logistic.


numeric indicating the simulated correlation parameter when the marginal distribution of each of the latent variables is Gumbel.


plot(rho - normal ~ rho, data = simulation, type = "l", col = "blue",
    ylim = c(0, 0.016),
    ylab = expression(rho - bar(rho)[sim]),
    xlab = expression(rho))
points(rho - logistic ~ rho, data = simulation, type = "l", col = "red")
points(rho - gumbel ~ rho, data = simulation, type = "l", col = "grey")
legend("topright", legend = c("Normal", "Logistic", "Gumbel"),
      col = c("blue", "red", "grey"), pch = "l" )